Wednesday, April 8, 2020

First One Done!

You see the image below and fear shivers through your body. 
A single thought races through your mind as you see these filthy men riding on the back of a truck spewing dirty fumes, each carrying a weapon. 
That fear is this ... only one of them is wearing a mask! 
TURN & RUN ..  AS FAST AS YOU CAN!!!Horror and Zombie film reviews | Movie reviews | Horror Videogame ...

I thought things went well yesterday ... for the four of you who showed up.
I hope you figured out how to do everything and know what to expect through the rest of the year.


Please remember to complete a News Check on Weds/Thurs and another Fri/Mon EVERY WEEK!

If you ever have a question, concern, even a tip, just contact me via email or text (remembering to identify yourself)!

Oh, and just for poo & giggles, complete this Romo Attendance Form EVERY FRIDAY, so I can submit official attendance - thanks!

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Snowy Apocalypse

Gotta love Minnesota Sring, right? "Daily" News Checks! You have to do TWO EACH WEEK! Q4 Begins NEXT Week! Q4 will cer...