Monday, April 13, 2020

Snowy Apocalypse

Gotta love Minnesota Sring, right?

"Daily" News Checks!
You have to do TWO EACH WEEK!

Q4 Begins NEXT Week!
Q4 will certainly be more SELF-directed with Teacher Guidance & Support. You will have to be more responsible and take ownership over your education.  I will certainly be available to offer whatever else you need, but it's time for you little birdies to fly ... or splat.
We will (hopefully) cover the following topics:
·         What Nature Has Yet to Throw at Us 101
·         Surviving an Apocalypse 201
·         Social Distancing 401 (Expert Level)
·         News 501 (Graduate Level)

The ‘Rona Situation
I do NOT know any more than what is in the general public knowledge sphere. This thing is unrelenting in its spread and our leaders seem incapable of, well, leading. Nobody has figured out the right balance in terms of addressing the needs to mitigate the effects of the virus while also working to help life try to go on in some #newnormal without putting more people’s lives in immediate danger.

Until we get a vaccine and/or regular daily (& reliable) testing, look to continue being bored - or take this opportunity to question, explore & learn! Yeah, I know.

Friday, April 10, 2020

Spring Weekend

What's a weekend, anymore? Every day kinda blends into the next. No sports or concerts to attend. No team sports to play. At least it's Spring...

Yesterday was a weird weather day - CLEAR INDICATOR OF A MINNESOTA SPRING!
I am emerging from my IA Bunker, ready to face the world again next week. Well, maybe not until May 4th, according to Guv Walz. Probably not until 2021 if The 'Rona has its way.

Remember to complete TWO "Daily News Checks" each week!

Contact & remind one-another to join us next Tueday for the Weekly Interaction Webinar at 9 AM!

After today, you'll have gone through your first week of Distance Learning. It was in no way smooth and perfect. But we'll ALL work together to make things better next week. The goal is to send you off in June as experts ... so you are ready to do it all over again in the Fall.

But you WILL be allowed to go to the actual school - a real building with real people - at some point. Granted, you'll have to arrive like this:

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Bored Yet?

I believe there will be some loosening of the public restrictions some time ... soon, but still a ways off. Some of you finally realize what it is like to be an only child, while I also accept that quite a few of you are probably going stir crazy.

We have our 2nd seminar next TUESDAY AT 9AM!

Please complete 1 (maybe 2?) of the CE Daily NEws Assignment (2x a week - remember?!?!).

Please be there - it is already stressful and you do NOT want to make me angry. Please be civil & mute your mic when not speaking. Headphones are also a plus, btw.

Biden supposedly dropped out - but in a VERY weird way ...

I'll post again tomorrow PM

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

First One Done!

You see the image below and fear shivers through your body. 
A single thought races through your mind as you see these filthy men riding on the back of a truck spewing dirty fumes, each carrying a weapon. 
That fear is this ... only one of them is wearing a mask! 
TURN & RUN ..  AS FAST AS YOU CAN!!!Horror and Zombie film reviews | Movie reviews | Horror Videogame ...

I thought things went well yesterday ... for the four of you who showed up.
I hope you figured out how to do everything and know what to expect through the rest of the year.


Please remember to complete a News Check on Weds/Thurs and another Fri/Mon EVERY WEEK!

If you ever have a question, concern, even a tip, just contact me via email or text (remembering to identify yourself)!

Oh, and just for poo & giggles, complete this Romo Attendance Form EVERY FRIDAY, so I can submit official attendance - thanks!

Monday, April 6, 2020

Welcome to the Apocalypse; Book 3, Part 1

So, we are "Back to School" in a way. I know this is beyond awkward, but I am sure we will all do our best to get into some sort of "normalcy" through all of this. Your Right-of-Passage moments have been stolen from you. Before you jump on me with the lives lost or severely affected due to COVID-19, know that everything is somewhat relative. You have lost A LOT, which in no way minimizes the suffering many have been going through ... and, VERY sadly, have yet to face - but most certainly will.

I will post something here EVERY weekday AM - and even some weekends. It is meant to be a means for you to get what you need in a more narrative form, including not only course assignments & expectations, but also my random thoughts related to the course, school, and even life.

As we begin our Distance Learning experience, you should have received multiple emails from me, so here is a rundown of what to do/expect:

EVERYONE must complete the Apocalypse Check-In TODAY

The Weekly Interaction Webinars will be held EVERY TUESDAY from 9-10 AM. Consider adding it to your GooCal, which should be visible via GooClass.  The Expectations for Students and Staff Use of Google Meet:
- Intended for educational use only 
- Use in common areas (e.g. no bedrooms, bathrooms, etc)
- Wear school appropriate clothing 
- Use school appropriate language
- Mute microphone when not speaking
- Use chat for learning specific questions and comments only
- Turn on  audio, however live video is optional

You will have to complete TWO Daily News Check assignments per week (due Weds/Thurs & Fri/Mon). 

I will be having Class Interactions between 9-11 AM EVERY DAY, but I will also be at my computer, ready to respond to any queries during my Office Hours from 8:30-9:00 AM and 11AM - Noon every WEEKDAY. But I am also available via my Google Voice # (If you do not have it, I'll email it to you later) and email. 

Regarding EMAIL, you MUST CHECK IT REGULARLY! You CAN disable email notifications from GooClass, but I would NOT do that if I were in your specific situation. Life has changed in this #newnormal, and regular email checks have become muy important.

Snowy Apocalypse

Gotta love Minnesota Sring, right? "Daily" News Checks! You have to do TWO EACH WEEK! Q4 Begins NEXT Week! Q4 will cer...