Friday, April 10, 2020

Spring Weekend

What's a weekend, anymore? Every day kinda blends into the next. No sports or concerts to attend. No team sports to play. At least it's Spring...

Yesterday was a weird weather day - CLEAR INDICATOR OF A MINNESOTA SPRING!
I am emerging from my IA Bunker, ready to face the world again next week. Well, maybe not until May 4th, according to Guv Walz. Probably not until 2021 if The 'Rona has its way.

Remember to complete TWO "Daily News Checks" each week!

Contact & remind one-another to join us next Tueday for the Weekly Interaction Webinar at 9 AM!

After today, you'll have gone through your first week of Distance Learning. It was in no way smooth and perfect. But we'll ALL work together to make things better next week. The goal is to send you off in June as experts ... so you are ready to do it all over again in the Fall.

But you WILL be allowed to go to the actual school - a real building with real people - at some point. Granted, you'll have to arrive like this:

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Snowy Apocalypse

Gotta love Minnesota Sring, right? "Daily" News Checks! You have to do TWO EACH WEEK! Q4 Begins NEXT Week! Q4 will cer...